60+ Social Good Thought Leaders Traveled to Las Vegas to the World Women Forum to Take Action for Human Rights and Peace

Kristen Thomasino, Global Humanitarian, 22x Author, Chief Data Scientist was the Keynote speaker of the World Women Forum in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand

Kristen Thomasino, Global Humanitarian, 22x Author, Chief Data Scientist was the Keynote speaker of the World Women Forum in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand

Buddytown Application available on Apple and Android Markets. Created by Global Humanitarian Kristen Thomasino.

Buddytown Application available on Apple and Android Markets. Created by Global Humanitarian Kristen Thomasino.

Kristen Thomasino, Global Humanitarian, 22x Author, Chief Data Scientist was the Keynote speaker of the World Women Forum in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand

Kristen Thomasino, Global Humanitarian, 22x Author, Chief Data Scientist was the Keynote speaker of the World Women Forum in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand

Kristen Thomasino, Global Humanitarian, 22x Author, Chief Data Scientist was the Keynote speaker of the World Women Forum in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand

Kristen Thomasino, Global Humanitarian, 22x Author, Chief Data Scientist was the Keynote speaker of the World Women Forum in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand

Send a Smile Campaign available in the Buddytown Application's Social Good Games available on Apple and Android

Send a Smile Campaign available in the Buddytown Application’s Social Good Games available on Apple and Android

Kristen Thomasino, Global Humanitarian and Social Good Activist made the case for Social Good as a catalyst for peace amongst the gathered educated leaders.

Social Good is the game changer we need for peace. It’s time to get out of the streets, work on the opportunities to improve our societies with social good, and apply the principles of civil reform.”

— Kristen Thomasino | Global Social Good Activist

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, November 7, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — Thomasino Media was in attendance for the CEO of Buddytown Consulting, Kristen Thomasino, as she completed her role as the Keynote speaker for the World Women Forum at the famous and internationally known MGM Grand in Las Vegas that occurred on November 1st and 2nd. This event was produced by C-Star Global and brought together speakers on important topics for consideration around women’s and overall human rights.

Kristen Thomasino, Keynote speaker for the event, shared, “It was an honor to interact with this amazing group of minds that were brought together to share ideas and lift one another up. When you go there to see what opportunities you can find and what good you can do by sharing your message, it will be a win-win. Having inspiring minds and a diverse set of specialties made this event intellectually stimulating and rewarding to attend. Be open-minded. I always tell people when you attend an event to learn and network. Be present. If you are there to open your mind, then do so. Everything else should be prioritized so you can engage, network, and absorb.”

The event was attended by doctors, wellness practitioners, trauma experts, scientists, chamber of commerce leaders, military veterans, diversity and Inclusion specialists, creators, marketers, CEOs, artists, athletes, technology, accounting, and other fields. Professionals traveled from various states in the United States, including California, Nevada, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Georgia, Florida, Tennessee, Texas, and other states, to share learnings and perspectives on human rights. Travelers from Canada, the United Kingdom, India, and Germany attended this prestigious event of thinkers for peace and prosperity.

Thomasino shared, “I gave people a crash course in Social Good. The biggest ah-ha was that everybody could do Social Good. Social Good is something that helps everybody. Everybody needs good nutrition to perform, clean air to breathe, water to drink, shelter, safety, security, health and financial education to navigate the world with choice.”

Buddytown, an application available on Android and Apple, was shared with the crowd in Las Vegas at the MGM Grand Conference Center. Kristen, CEO and chief Data Scientist said about the project, “I created this because I experienced severe trauma and managing Fibromyalgia, and I wanted others to find ways to connect to different goods and services plus other interactive opportunities for engagement. My goal is to make others smile and connect people to others.”

Thomasino’s last wisdom she shared about the event is, “Being the granddaughter of a Bronze Star for Valor, D-Day 5, US Army Veteran who was drafted to fight in World War II and the daughter of a Legion of Merit winning Lieutenant Colonel, it seems right to be amongst these learned people to work on ways to influence peace and stability for our world as much as I can as a civilian to steward peace. To share ideas around how we can achieve economic growth and craft our cities into places where the Wellness Economy thrives. It was an honor to be in the presence of such accomplished professionals. It’s through these types of exchanges of ideas in a focused setting that we can accelerate the path to peace with social good and enable others by engaging them to join Buddytown. It’s time to get off the streets and work on civil reform with our government leaders, law enforcement, association leaders, business owners, and chambers of commerce leaders to steward the safety and security we need. United, we can be the catalysts the world needs to inspire change and amplify positivity in our communities. The time for Social Good is now!”

Thomasino Media filmed Kristen’s talk about Why Social Good is what the world needs for peace, and it’s available on YouTube.

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Kristen Thomasino
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