CVCU announces plans to build the region’s first completely off-the-grid university campus in Chula Vista, California.
CHULA VISTA, CA, UNITED STATES, August 8, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — (Chula Vista, Ca) Chula Vista Christian University announces a partnership with renowned architect David Elliot, former celebrity home designer in Pebble Beach, to build southern California’s first fully sustainable, off-the-grid university campus.
CVCU is Chula Vista’s first four-year university, launched in San Diego County’s second most populous city, with almost 300,000 residents. Founded in 2020, CVCU is modeled after the founder’s experience of two decades in educational research, college professorship, and homeschool ideology. The result is a mentor-driven, faith-based, debt-free university that offers Bachelor of Arts and Science degree programs in computer science, mechanical engineering, psychology, political science, communication, pre-medicine, education, and entrepreneurship, with several emphasis opportunities.
CVCU students learn in a cohort-based, self-directed model, where classes are conducted in circles instead of rows, through dialogue instead of lecture. CVCU provides a marketplace focus that utilizes mentorships and internships to develop real-world problem-solving skills. Additionally, for younger students, The Academy at CVCU offers affordable core and elective support for homeschooling parents from preschool through high school.
Dr. Lisa Dunne, president of CVCU, says the new sustainable building program is an opportunity to demonstrate the University’s mission of mentor-driven, debt-free, faith-based higher education in a context that is relevant to today’s generation.
“CVCU is committed to serving Chula Vista and representing southern California with this fiscally responsible, creation-care oriented model of campus design,” says Dr. Dunne, president and founder of CVCU.
“As a 20-year veteran of higher education and a lifelong homeschooling parent, I’ve seen the fallibility of traditional modern education. The CVCU model is designed to teach students of all ages to think critically and to solve real-world challenges, and our new off-the-grid campus is designed to support that initiative.”
CVCU invites strategic partners to its building campaign. Donors at every level become part of the strategic generational scaffolding, with the opportunity to name a classroom or building after someone in the family.
As the offshoot of a debt-free university program, the sustainable campus is designed to minimize water usage and create grid-positive performance. It includes 18 community work office spaces, Socratic classrooms, a research lab, an engineering lab, and a research library. Each building is flanked by self-watering hydroponic gardens that feed 50 people.
CVCU hopes to inspire other universities and to serve the population of Chula Vista and beyond with its innovative, affordable, homeschool-based design, with the goal of shifting the culture of education for the next generation.
About Dr. Lisa Dunne: Dr. Lisa is a dynamic, award-winning educator with 20 years of experience in higher education. She is the host of the MindsetMatters Radio Show (KPraise Radio) and the author of six books, including Outsourced: Why America’s Kids Need an Education Revolution, The Multigenerational Marketplace, and The Science of Social Influence. She holds a PhD in Human Development, a Master’s degree in Organizational Systems, and a Master’s degree in Communication. Learn more about her work partnering with pastors and parents in founding over 25 national church-based academy models at www.DrLisaDunne.com.
For further information, visit www.cvcu.us, view the CVCU pitch deck at www.cvcu.us/marketingdeck, or contact Deanna Godines at admin@cvcu.us.
Dr. Lisa Dunne
Chula Vista Christian University
+ +1 619-888-5761
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