The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced an new approach for managing the inventory of Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Investor.
BEVERLY HILLS, CA, UNITED STATES, July 24, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced an updated approach for managing the inventory of Form I-526, Immigrant Petition by Alien Investor. The new visa availability approach is applicable to Form I-526 petitions filed before the implementation of the EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act RIA) of 2022. The updated EB-5 Visa availability approach took effect on July 18, 2023, to facilitate the efficiency of Form I-526 adjudication and reduce overall EB5 Visa processing times.
Under the new EB5 Visa availability approach, the USCIS Immigrant Investor Program Office (IPO) will be grouping Form I-526 petitions by new commercial enterprise (NCE) with filing dates on or before November 30, 2019, within the workflow queue of applications where the investment project has been approved and a visa is currently or soon to be available. USCIS officers can adjudicate Form I-526 petitions more quickly by handling several petitions connected to the same NCE. Assigning multiple petitions associated with the same NCE to the same adjudicator will allow IPO to improve processing efficiency, speed up Form I-526 completion and reduce backlogs, promote consistency and accuracy in adjudications, and maintain fairness given the closeness in the filing dates of the petitions.
The updated visa availability management approach involves using 3 workflows for determining visa availability and Form I-526 queueing on a monthly basis.
The first queue includes the Form I-526 petitions for which a visa is neither currently nor soon to be available and are processed first-in, first-out (FIFO).
The second queue includes the petitions for projects that IPO has not yet reviewed but for which a visa is currently or soon will be available. Second queue projects are reviewed from oldest to newest.
The third queue includes Form I-526 petitions with an available or soon-to-be-available visa and either a reviewed project or a “non-pooled” (single investor) standalone project. The third queue petitions are assigned to officers for adjudication and are reviewed by the receipt date of Form I-526 from oldest to newest.
EB5 BRICS works with immigrant investors seeking to obtain a USA Green Card through the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa. Vivek Tandon, Esq. leads the EB5 BRICS team in advising EB5 investors on the best projects for investment immigration. We conduct careful due diligence on EB-5 Visa Projects to help protect your US immigration and financial interests. Contact us to set up a one-on-one consultation and learn more about the benefits of getting an EB5 Green Card.
Vivek Tandon
+1 2133945527
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