Embracing the Digital Renaissance at Emory University


Rene-Oscar from 3DPrinterOS and Robin from Emory University

Embracing the Digital Renaissance at Emory University

Statistics drive a lot of our decision-making for our space, whether it’s door counts or usage statistics. What do we think students engage with the most and would benefit from improvements?”

— Robin Horton

SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA, November 1, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ — At Emory University, a unique transformation is taking place. Nestled amidst the hallowed halls of education and tradition, a new era of digital innovation is rising, creating a seamless blend of technology and humanity. The Student Digital Life team, led by the visionary Robin Horton, is at the forefront of this transformation, proving that the worlds of tradition and innovation can not only coexist but thrive together.

Bridging History and Innovation
In the English Department, a class on storytelling has taken a radical turn. Here, narratives are not just created with words; they come alive with 3D printing technology. Students are crafting their own board games and tabletop adventures, blending centuries of storytelling tradition with the cutting-edge capabilities of 3D printing. It’s a testament to Emory’s commitment to innovation, ensuring students are not just consumers of knowledge but creators of new possibilities.

Empowering the Next Generation
Under Robin’s tutelage, the TechLab team is not just managing technology; they are shaping it. Each student staff member is charged with leading a workshop or steering a standalone project to completion, providing them with invaluable real-world experience and a sense of accomplishment. This dual approach ensures a dynamic and continually evolving makerspace, enriched by the fresh perspectives of Emory’s vibrant student community.

A Testimony to Tools: Embracing 3DPrinterOS
When a 3D printer arrived at Emory in 2016, it was Robin who embraced the challenge, turning to 3DPrinterOS to ensure that this tool was accessible and efficient for all. Today, the makerspace boasts a fleet of 11 3D printers, all connected via this versatile platform. Students and staff can submit designs, track print status, and even adjust settings remotely, ensuring a seamless and inclusive experience.

From Printing to Empowering
But it’s not just about printing. It’s about empowerment. The Saturn V rocket replica, crafted using 3DPrinterOS, is a prime example. It transformed digitized NASA materials into a tangible, educational artifact, connecting history, technology, and education in an unprecedented way. This is the future of learning at Emory University.

The Future is Now
As we look to the future, Emory University stands as a beacon of innovation and empowerment. The makerspace is not just a room filled with technology; it’s a bridge to endless horizons of discovery, proving that when passion meets innovation, the possibilities are limitless.

“Technology isn’t a barrier at Emory; it’s a bridge to discovery,” says Robin Horton, the man at the crossroads where students, spaces, and technology converge. Under his leadership, Emory University is not just keeping pace with the digital renaissance; it’s defining it.

About Emory University
Under the mentorship of Robin Horton, Emory has cultivated a makerspace that emphasizes hands-on learning and student empowerment. The introduction of 3DPrinterOS has significantly enhanced this environment, providing an intuitive interface and cloud-based workflow that facilitates over 7,000 hours of printing annually.

About 3DPrinterOS:
3DPrinterOS is a leading cloud-based 3D printing management platform that enables businesses to streamline and optimize their additive manufacturing operations. With its versatile and user-friendly interface, 3DPrinterOS simplifies the management of diverse printer fleets, ensuring enhanced efficiency, centralized control, and real-time monitoring.

Rene-Oscar Ariko
+1 718-618-9819