Impacter Pathway Ignites Character Development at Desert Oasis and Phoenix Rising High Schools

Impacter Pathway’s Anchor Attributes and the measurable outcomes they inspire.

Impacter Pathway’s Anchor Attributes and the measurable outcomes they inspire.

The Impacter Potential Score enables schools to monitor the development of students' soft skills.

The Impacter Potential Score enables schools to monitor the development of students’ soft skills.

With Impacter Pathway’s innovative approach to SEL, schools have made remarkable improvements in character development, academic performance, & school culture.

EL CENTRO, CA, USA, June 7, 2024 / — As the Calexico Unified School District and Central Union High School District embark on a transformative journey with the district-wide implementation of Impacter Pathway, two schools in particular have emerged as shining examples of the program’s impact: Desert Oasis High School and Phoenix Rising High School.

Through Impacter Pathway’s innovative approach to social-emotional learning (SEL), these schools have witnessed remarkable improvements in students’ character development, academic performance, and overall school culture.

At Desert Oasis High School, Principal Julio Diaz has been a driving force behind the program’s success. “Impacter Pathway has been instrumental in fostering a positive school culture and enhancing our students’ character development,” he stated. “The real-time feedback and insights have empowered our educators to provide targeted support, leading to impressive student outcomes.”

One such outcome is the school’s remarkable 65% of students reporting increased self-control and compassion – essential traits for building healthy relationships and navigating life’s challenges.

The program’s influence extends beyond the classroom, as exemplified by a 10th-grade student’s reflection: “I’ve learned to stay focused and work towards my goals, even when it’s tough. Impacter Pathway has helped me understand the importance of grit and having a growth mindset.”

Meanwhile, at Phoenix Rising High School, students have benefited from personalized feedback, enabling them to set and achieve visionary goals. Darrell Pechtl, Director of Adult, Parent, and Student Services at Central Union High School District, commended the program’s impact: “The integration of Impacter Pathway has streamlined our ability to track and measure soft skills, allowing us to create a more supportive and engaging learning environment for our students.”

The results speak for themselves, with Phoenix Rising experiencing a significant 22% reduction in disciplinary referrals, a testament to the program’s ability to cultivate self-control and responsible decision-making among students.

As Imperial County schools continue to prioritize character education alongside academic achievement, Impacter Pathway stands as a partner, empowering students with the essential skills and mindsets to thrive in an ever-changing world.

For press inquiries and further details about Impacter Pathway, please contact: Sofia Hernandez, Media Coordinator,, 949 656-3673.

Sofia Hernandez
+1 949-656-3673