Jack Dorsey’s #startsmall Awards Grant to Motivating Our Students Through Experience

Female high school students pose in front of UC Berkeley's Sather Gate.

MOSTe inspires students by taking them to visit colleges, such as UC Berkeley.

$100,000 will support girls’ college access and success

Through this grant, we will positively impact over 100 girls this year, providing them with mentorship, growth and guidance to help them graduate college and launch their bright futures.”

— Amy Ludwig

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, August 7, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Motivating Our Students Through Experience (MOSTe) has received a generous $100,000 grant from Jack Dorsey’s philanthropic initiative, #startsmall, to support higher education access and success for girls.

“Through this grant, our organization will be able to positively impact over 100 girls from underserved Los Angeles neighborhoods this year, providing them with mentorship, social-emotional learning, career exploration opportunities, and individual college application guidance that empowers them to enroll in college, graduate within six years and launch their bright futures,” says MOSTe Executive Director Amy Ludwig.

#startsmall is Jack Dorsey’s philanthropic initiative to fund global crisis relief, girls’ health and education, and open internet development. Dorsey—Block Head, Chairman and cofounder of Block, Inc.—transferred $1 billion (28% of his wealth) to #startsmall in 2020.

MOSTe was founded in 1986 to provide one-on-one mentorship from professional women to low-income middle school girls, encouraging them to stay in school and explore possible careers. The organization added college-access support in 2007, and currently serves girls from six Title I middle schools in Los Angeles County. As of 2023, MOSTe has supported over 2,000 girls in Los Angeles to go to college, graduate, and launch successful careers.

From middle school to college, MOSTe offers girls from underserved neighborhoods of Los Angeles a positive community to build confidence and pursue their education, and provides caring mentors to guide their growth. Since 2009, 75% of MOSTe scholars have graduated from college within 6 years, far above the rate of 11% for low-income first-generation college students. (https://eab.com/insights/daily-briefing/student-success/90-of-low-income-first-generation-college-students-dont-graduate-on-time/)

Find more information about MOSTe at: www.moste.org

MOSTe mentors and empowers girls from underserved areas of Los Angeles County to become the next generation of college-educated women. Their goal is for all graduating high school seniors to complete college within four to six years, and to develop into women who are confident, career-focused agents of social change.

Amy Ludwig
Motivating Our Students Through Experience (MOSTe)
+1 213-537-9157
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