Jennifer Heller Creates Entertaining Preparedness Tools in an Attempt to Outrun the Apocalypse

HCTA Founder with the first copy of the Disaster Playbook

HCTA Founder with the first copy of the Disaster Playbook

Terrified Jen Surrounded by Disasters

Terrified Jen Surrounded by Disasters

the Here Comes the Apocalpyse Disaster Playbook and I Will Thrive Manual

Inside the Disaster Playbook and its companion the I Will Thrive Manual.

Bay Area native Jennifer Heller recently launched a disaster preparedness system with a dark sense of humor to keep her (and you) safe when things get FUBAR.

OAKLAND, CA, UNITED STATES, February 1, 2024 / — The founder of Here Comes the Apocalypse has a few things on her mind:

– Why do we all have constant disaster fatigue and yet refuse to prepare for disasters? –
– Where do we draw the line when it comes to adequately preparing without becoming bunker people?
– Is climate change pushing us toward a future where the costs of disaster damage are a crippling line item in our national budget?
– Will jokes be enough to keep us going when the going gets tough?

Bay Area native Jennifer Heller recently launched a self-paced disaster preparedness system with a dark sense of humor, and she hopes it will be enough to keep her (and you) safe when things get FUBAR. Users can rely on the Here Comes the Apocalypse website as their guide, or invest in the Disaster Playbook and its accompanying tools to take their prep to the next level.

Heller wanted to get her family prepared for unexpected disasters, but found the existing resources too boring to stomach. “I would go to the government websites and I would get bored and confused. I knew I couldn’t be the only one out there who was overwhelmed by the process.” Unfortunately, boredom isn’t a worthy reason to quit. The average number of US disasters costing a billion dollars or more annually has nearly tripled from 6.7 to 18 since the 2000s.
With a background in web and graphic design, Heller wanted to approach the subject from a new perspective to get more people engaged. “I’ve always had a dark sense of humor. I figured — why not mix the macabre with the practical?”

Here Comes the Apocalypse’s in-depth guides offer relevant information and practical advice alongside cheeky gifs, silly comics, and terrible jokes that will keep you groaning and coming back for more.

It can be difficult to voluntarily imagine yourself in your worst case scenarios and come out smiling on the other end, but HCTA aims to put you in a good mood while you strategize your way out of the apocalypse. You’re much more likely to finish if you enjoy the process. Heller says, “I often think of the end of Monty Python’s The Life of Brian. They’re literally crucified, grinning and singing, ‘always look on the bright side of death…’

“If these tools and the silly comics make even one family more prepared when the next disaster strikes, I will have succeeded.”

Heller is available for interviews and guest appearances to discuss disasters, disaster preparedness, the role of comedy in effective education, and anything else that comes up before we are engulfed in flames. Learn more at or on social media @helloapocalypse today. Booking information is below.

Jennifer Heller
Artsy Geek
+1 510-852-9873
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