Just Works sponsors the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce’s Annual Bid Whist and Casino Day


Our annual tournament is a great way for guests and members to connect in a fun environment.”

— William Paige

LONG BEACH, CA, UNITED STATES, August 4, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Just Works, a social enterprise that provides payroll, benefits, HR, and compliance — all in one place, is sponsoring the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce‘s Annual Bid Whist and Casino Day. The tournament will take place on Sunday, August 20th. Registration will begin at 11:00 am. Lunch will be served at 12:00 PM. The tournament will start at 1 PM. The entry fee is $50 per person and there will be over $1,000 in cash and prizes.

For those unfamiliar with bid whist, it is a partnership trick-taking variant of the classic card game whist. Bid whist adds a bidding element to the game that is not present in classic whist. Bid whist remains popular particularly in U.S. military culture and a tradition in African-American culture.

The SCBCC is a nonprofit 501(c)(6) business organization dedicated to improving the economic environment for the minority business community and fostering business development and prosperity. The card game competition has been a tradition of the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce for nearly 30 years.

“Our annual tournament is a great way for guests and members to connect in a fun environment, “says William Paige, Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce Long Beach Area President. “It’s an opportunity to support our youth and our elderly while giving away cash and prizes.”

The annual bid whist tournament is a great opportunity for networking and fun, while also supporting a good cause. All proceeds from the event will go to support YouthBuild, a high school diploma program for disadvantaged youth ages 16-32. Funds are also being raised for Alzheimer’s and dementia research.

“We believe in the Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce’s mission to promote economic development and opportunity within the Black community. This event is a great way to bring people together while also supporting a worthy cause. We hope you’ll join us on August 20th” says JustWorks team.

The tournament will take place at 729 West Anaheim Street, Unit C, Long Beach, CA 90813. Registration is available at https://www.BlackChamberofCommerce.org

William Paige
Southern California Black Chamber of Commerce
+1 888-466-7408
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