L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 Gala Broadcasting Live

Writers & Illustrators of the Future Winners and Judges for 2023 posing on stage at the L. Ron Hubbard Awards Gala held at the Taglyan Complex

Writers & Illustrators of the Future Winners and Judges for 2023 posing on stage at the L. Ron Hubbard Awards Gala

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future 40 book, eBook, audiobook

L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40, with winners from eight countries; Awards Gala to air live on April 25.

It is with this in mind that I initiated a means for new and budding writers to have a chance for their creative efforts to be seen and acknowledged.”

— L. Ron Hubbard, Contest founder

HOLLYWOOD, CA, UNITED STATES, March 27, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Year 40 for L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future marks yet another milestone for the Contests as Galaxy Press and Author Services, Inc., L. Ron Hubbard’s literary agency, prepare for its April 25 gala honoring winners flown in from eight countries to receive their trophies and be acknowledged as the best new writers and illustrators of science fiction and fantasy: Canada, China, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, United Kingdom, and United States of America.

The event begins streaming live at 6:00 PM PST on www.WritersoftheFuture.com with a 40-minute roll of the scores of congratulatory letters, proclamations, and awards bestowed to the Contest, and ending in a video montage, all congratulating this exceptional achievement. At 6:40 PM, the preshow entertainment will kick things off leading up to the start of the Awards ceremony at 7:00 PM. All 24 winners will be recognized and awarded with a handsome trophy. However, only two winners, one writer, and one illustrator, will take home the grand prize trophy and checks for $5,000. Who will win?

L. Ron Hubbard created the Contest in 1983, writing in the Introduction to Writers of the Future Volume 1, “It is with this in mind that I initiated a means for new and budding writers to have a chance for their creative efforts to be seen and acknowledged.”

Based on the Writing Contest’s success, its sister Contest, Illustrators of the Future, was created five years later to provide that same opportunity for aspiring artists.

The awards gala culminates a week-long workshop taught by several of the biggest names in science fiction and fantasy writing and illustration. The writers’ workshop will be led by coordinating judge Jody Lynn Nye and Robert J. Sawyer, with guest instructors Kevin J. Anderson (co-author of Dune prequels), Orson Scott Card (“Ender’s Game”), Nina Kiriki Hoffman (“A Fistful of Sky”), Hugh Howey (“Wool”), Katherine Kurtz (Deryni series), Todd McCaffrey (Canaris Rift series), Rebecca Moesta (Junior Jedi Knights series), Larry Niven (“Ringworld”), Nnedi Okorafor (Binti series), Tim Powers (“On Stranger Tides”), and S.M. Stirling (The Tales from the Black Chamber series). Illustrators will be taught by internationally acclaimed artists Echo and Lazarus Chernik, with guest instructors Bob Eggleton, Craig Elliott, Brian C. Hailes, Brittany Jackson, Rob Prior, and Irvin Rodriguez, plus a live video presentation by Dan dos Santos.

Winners to be published in “L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40” are:

Writers of the Future Contest Winners

First quarter:
1. Stephannie Tallent from California
“Life and Death and Love in the Bayou”
2. Galen Westlake from Canada
“The Imagalisk”
3. John Eric Schleicher from Montana

Second quarter:
1. Rosalyn Robilliard from the United Kingdom
“The Wall Isn’t a Circle”
2. Sky McKinnon from Washington
“The Edge of Where My Light Is Cast”
3. James Davies from Maryland
“Ashes to Ashes, Blood to Carbonfiber”

Third quarter:
1. Lance Robinson from Canada
“Five Days Until Sunset”
2. Kal M from Malaysia
“Butter Side Down”
3. Lisa Silverthorne from Nevada
“Summer of Thirty Years”

Fourth quarter:
1. Jack Nash from Virginia
“Son, Spirit, Snake”
2. Tom Vandermolen from Washington
3. Amir Agoora from Connecticut

Illustrators of the Future Contest Winners

First quarter:
Arthur Haywood from Pennsylvania
Selena Meraki from the Netherlands
Carina Zhang from China

Second quarter:
Ashley Cassaday from Texas
Tyler Vail from Texas
May Zheng from New Jersey

Third quarter:
Peggy Hooper from Oregon
Jennifer Mellen from Utah
Pedro N. from Portugal

Fourth quarter:
Steven Bentley from Oregon
Connor Chamberlain from New Zealand
Guelly Rivera from California

The success of the Contest is measured by the success of its winning authors and illustrators.

The 559 winners and published finalists of the Writing Contest have published over 2,000 novels and 6,300 short stories, and their works have sold over 60 million copies. In addition, 16 winners have 41 New York Times bestselling books combined.

The 406 past winners of the Illustrating Contest have produced over 6,800 illustrations and 390 comic books, graced 700 books and albums with their art, and visually contributed to 68 TV shows and 40 major movies.

For more information about Writers and Illustrators of the Future and to see the event on April 25, visit www.writersofthefuture.com.

Emily Goodwin
Author Services, Inc.
+ +1 3234663310
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