Leading Marriage Planning Book “Money and Marriage-Making it Work Together 3.0″ Offers Financial Guidance for Couples”

Therapists use this book to improve marriages

Money and Marriage For Engaged Couples, read before marriage

Entrepreneurship Believe & Achieve. Gain your financial Freedom

With Marriage Look Before, Leaping! Battles and arguments over money issues in the married household are the leading cause of divorce.

SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA, USA, May 28, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Information about the #1 cause of divorce needs to be considered. While the best route is to talk, communicate, listen to one’s partner and form a mutual, cooperative working financial game plan for the year that embodies the combined financial outlook. A plan that both parties pledge cooperating toward staying within the boundaries of and contributing as able toward building financial net worth.

This information is from the nation’s leading expert on the financial issues of the married household, Steven Pybrum. The “Money and Marriage-Making it Work Together” book was the first book on the planet to approach this delicate issue when the original book “Money and Marriage-Making it Work Together” was published in 1996. The book has been updated and revised into Version 3.0 then re-published on February 1, 2024. The book is available with its companion book “Money and Marriage-For Engaged Couples.”

This is the original guide book from a trusted advisor who has spent over 15,000 research hours studying this delicate issue. The book is half about how to improve the relationship and contains 24 relationship skills that everyone should know. Carefully stitched together. The other half is intertwined and about the couples finances. Financial planning and how to deal with the household’s money. The book highlights then guides the reader, by showing the benefits of and the advantages from building the financial net worth through wise investing.

When people get married all are looking at a 50% US national divorce rate. One has to begin wondering what can be done to build a marriage relationship that lasts a life time. There is little taught in schools about relationships and how to conduct one’s self in a married relationship. Through education people can learn how to communicate well with each other on an array of topics without things breaking out into a heated argument.

There are key warning signs when a marriage is faltering because of money supply and budgeting issues.

Couples contemplating marriage should ask the questions about finances BEFORE they get married. Under the present system not many bring up the topic of finances, because who wants to throw cold water on the hot romance! Thus, couples usually have their first money discussion sometime after the first 21 days of being married. Over the years they observe and discover each other’s money habits and then form opinions about how things are going. 

It is a good idea to ask all the question before getting married. Thus, was created the book “Money and Marriage-For Engaged Couples.” This book in a playful way raises many questions to ask one’s partner about their view on key financial issues. This way both parties are more informed going into marriage about how things will go and play out.

Research shows that 7 out of 10 times (70%) when people get married, the marriage is made up of one spender and one saver. This difference can cause friction in a marriage. When 2 savers get together, they often have little problems about money and what it should be used for. They often have relationship issues about boredom because they don’t spend money to go out and have some fun. When 2 spenders get together research knows that this marriage will last about 4 years and the two people will part ways after visiting the bankruptcy court.

June is a blissful month, with married couples having a joyful day in the sun with celebration amongst family and friends. In building the combined future it is better to be willing to learn how to build a great relationship and a strong financial future.

This is from the author Steve Pybrum the author of three spectacular, ground breaking, award winning, financial planning books. “Entrepreneurship-Believe & Achieve,” Money and Marriage-for Engaged Couples,” Money and Marriage-Making it Work Together.” All available in bookstores and Amazon.

Steven Pybrum
Abundance Publishing Company
+1 805-962-1040
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