Level 42 AI, Inc vibrome™ biosignatures framework is a Center for Advancing Innovation Global Health Innovation Winner

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Deciphering the body’s inner symphony for early disease detection using AI.

The human body resembles a musical orchestra. The real-time “noise” generated by the human body is an underexplored data source for biomarker discovery.

We are defining the infrasound-to-ultrasound generative AI stethoscope of the 21st century.”

— Shasha Jumbe

SANTA CLARA, CALIFORNIA, USA, August 9, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Level 42 AI™, a digital health company pioneering collection and interpretation of acoustic signatures using generative artificial intelligence (AI) for better respiratory health and earlier detection of lung diseases, including cancers, today announced winning a CAI Global Health Innovation award. Level 42 AI founders began with the question: Should human perception and current instrumentation sensory limitations restrict generative AI health detection and monitoring applications?

Humans are living organisms whose internal organ vibrations and noises are part of daily functions. The human body resembles a musical orchestra, with the lungs, heart, and gut acting as instruments that play harmoniously during health but fall out of sync during disease. The real-time “noise” generated by the human body is an underexplored data source for biomarker discovery.

Level 42 AI’s vibrome biosignatures combine novel data for generative AI that objectively interprets early physical, structural, and functional modifications in the body prior to clinical symptoms. The company’s market-ready product can detect subtle changes in gas and fluid flow within and between tissues and organs to detect disease non-invasively on the skin’s surface. “We are defining the generative AI stethoscope of the 21st century,” said Shasha Jumbe, Co-founder & CEO of Level 42 AI. “Our lung vibrome biosignatures platform takes full advantage of audible sounds and inaudible vibrations previously uncollectable or ignored as “noise” for processing and interpretation using AI. Our initial users are medical professionals and community healthcare workers, but over time, we envision applications that will enable consumers to use our smart devices as well.”

Acute and chronic respiratory diseases remain a leading cause of death and disability worldwide. Over 1.2 billion people globally suffer from breathing problems, including more than 34 million Americans with chronic lung diseases like asthma and COPD. Acute lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) represent a spectrum of acute respiratory failure, whose leading underlying cause of death (in ~75% of patients) is multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) involving lungs, the cardiovascular system, kidneys, and/or liver.

“The primary care setting is a patient’s first line of defense for early identification and diagnosis of acute and chronic respiratory diseases, including cancers of the lung,” said Dr. Pinaki Panigrahi, Professor, Department of Pediatrics at Georgetown University Medical Center. “As a practicing physician, I can discern inaudible vibrations generated by the lung but have not been able to quantify these data in my written differential diagnosis. Even if Level 42 AI can only unveil and interpret 10% of these known unknown data hidden in plain sight, the impact of transitioning my intuition into clinical evidence would be invaluable, not only for me in my day-to-day job, but for many providers and patients around the world that do not have full access to well-equipped healthcare settings.”

Health systems and investors interested in learning about vibrome™ biosignatures for early non-invasive disease detection can visit Level 42 AI or online at www.level42.ai or contact info@level42.ai.

About Level 42 AI
Level 42 AI, Inc, a digital health company, is advancing how healthcare professionals screen, detect, and monitor lung, heart, and gut disease with its innovative suite of digital tools, patient and provider software, and explainable AI algorithms. Level 42 AI has completed five (5) global clinical trials in over 6,500 patients across lung, heart, and gut diseases. Level 42 AI is being incubated by the Venture Lab Niterra Group in Santa Clara, California, with funding from the Department of Defense, US Air Force 59th Medical Wing, Schmidt Ventures, and others. For more information, visit www.level42.ai.

Peter Rexelius
Level 42 AI, Inc
+1 (415) 465-5454