Jonathan Hatami
Former Candidate for D.A. Urges Voters to Unite Against His Boss, George Gascon, by Supporting Hochman for District Attorney
SANTA CLARITA, CALIFORNIA, USA, May 29, 2024 /EINPresswire.com/ — Los Angeles County District Attorney candidate Nathan Hochman announced today that his campaign continues to gain strong momentum, securing a significant endorsement from 18-year veteran L.A. County child abuse prosecutor Jonathan Hatami – a former D.A. candidate, Army veteran, dad, husband to a Deputy Sheriff, and long-time critic of his boss, D.A. George Gascon.
Hochman, a former federal prosecutor, U.S. Assistant Attorney General, President of the L.A. City Ethics Commission and criminal defense attorney, said the support of Hatami is very significant. As a leading prosecutor in the complex child abuse section in the L.A. County D.A.’s Office, Hatami has tried some of the most heinous and high-profile child abuse cases our County has ever seen. He brings his considerable experience and reputation of defending children and vulnerable Angelenos to bolster Hochman’s candidacy.
Hatami, a Democrat who ran a strong campaign for District Attorney in the March 5 primary coming in third place, said he supports Hochman because he will work with Hatami to fight for children and the most vulnerable, stand up for crime victims, partner with law enforcement, listen to and work with his prosecutors and support staff, and prioritize every day public safety and the compassionate administration of justice in L.A. County.
“Today, I am announcing my support for Nathan Hochman for District Attorney, and I encourage the voters of L.A. County to join me,” Hatami said. “Nathan will prioritize the safety of all of our communities and will put the protection of children and the rights of victims at the forefront of his administration. Nathan has committed to listen to and work closely with prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and victims to create real and effective public safety and the compassionate administration of justice. I look forward to collaborating with Nathan as we work to improve the criminal justice system while keeping all Angelenos safe from crime.”
Hochman said: “It was clear to me during the campaign that Jonathan Hatami, an 18-year veteran of the D.A.’s Office and one of its most talented prosecutors, is devoted to pursuing justice for crime victims, especially children. I am very honored to have such a dedicated public servant and fighter for children supporting my campaign. We are building a broad coalition of supporters who will help me prevail in November, rebuild the office’s relationship with law enforcement, and restore public safety in Los Angeles County. This election will not be about politics, but about who will keep L.A. County residents safe over the next four years. Working with Jonathan and the dedicated prosecutors and investigators of the D.A.’s Office, I will succeed, not only in this election, but in my term as your next District Attorney.”
About Nathan Hochman:
Nathan Hochman, a former federal prosecutor, Assistant U.S. Attorney General, President of the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission and defense attorney, is favored to defeat George Gascon and become the next District Attorney of Los Angeles County. He is an Independent (No Party Preference) candidate who believes politics has no place in the D.A.’s Office. He is endorsed by the Association of Deputy District Attorneys, the Los Angeles County Police Chiefs’ Association, former District Attorney Jackie Lacey, former District Attorney Steve Cooley, five former U.S. Attorneys for the Central District of California, elected leaders and many others. For more information about Hochman and his campaign, please visit www.NathanHochman.com.
Stuart Pfeifer
LAG Strategy Corp
+1 310-415-6955