Record Breaking $7M Fraud Case: David Brevda, Michael Brevda Expose Largest Covid Nursing Home Fraud Case in US History

Top rated nursing home abuse attorneys David Brevda and Michael Brevda have settled the largest nursing home Covid fraud case in US History

Nursing home whistleblower attorneys David Brevda and Michael Brevda

Senior Justice Law Firm Works with US Department of Justice to Uncover Covid Waiver Fraud Across Large Nursing Home Chain

We need transparency and accountability in our nursing homes. Elderly patients are not widgets that a private ownership group can profit from. They are vulnerable human beings that deserve protection.”

— David Brevda, Partner, Senior Justice Law Firm

SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, US, May 1, 2024 / — The United States of America and ReNew Health Group LLC have settled a nursing home whistleblower claim involving allegations that the nursing home chain submitted false Medicare claims.

In a landmark settlement, Renew Health has agreed to pay $7 million to resolve claims under the False Claims Act for knowingly submitting false Medicare claims for its nursing home residents.

This fraudulent conduct was uncovered by Senior Justice Law Firm partners David Brevda and Michael Brevda, while investigating a nursing home injury case. Senior Justice Law Firm then represented the whistleblower relators in the subsequent qui tam action, successfully recovering a $7,084,000 civil settlement.


Medicare is the primary payor for most of the nation’s nursing home beds. Normally, Medicare requires a 3+ day hospital stay before a nursing home can get reimbursed for skilled nursing care.

However, during the Covid pandemic, Medicare lifted this 3+ hospital day requirement and allowed nursing homes to get reimbursement immediately on Covid patients. Some nursing home operators knowingly misused the emergency Covid waiver and submitted false claims for nursing home residents.

In the Renew case, the whistleblowers alleged that, after learning of the emergency change to Medicare’s Covid policy, ReNew Health falsely told Medicare that many residents in their nursing homes needed skilled care based on the possibility that they were exposed to Covid. This was in violation of the terms of the COVID-19 waiver program.


The specialized nursing home abuse attorneys at Senior Justice Law Firm handle injury and wrongful death claims against healthcare facilities. Even though the firm’s cases involve individual injuries like bed sores or broken bones, the investigation always focuses on a potential larger cause for the harm.

Senior Justice Law Firm attorneys actively search for corporate misconduct. This can mean comparing staffing data, budgets, related party transactions, and Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements in an effort to unearth a larger corporate conspiracy. Speaking with former employees about suspicious corporate behavior also can lead to uncovering corporate nursing home Medicare fraud.

In this case, attorney David Brevda was instrumental in piecing together the nursing home chain’s conspiracy to defraud Medicare.

Utilizing the firm’s contacts at the US Department of Justice, Senior Justice Law Firm is uniquely positioned to expose company-wide fraud and work hand-in-hand with the US government in prosecuting qui tam cases.


The Renew Medicare Covid waiver case underscores the importance of rigorous oversight to safeguard public resources and uphold the integrity of our long term care system.

By fostering a culture of integrity and vigilance, we can ensure that the trust given to nursing homes is not misplaced. The pursuit of justice must prevail over deception and fraud.

In the end, the true measure of our commitment to the principles of honesty and fairness lies not in the settlements reached or the penalties imposed, but in the actions we take to prevent similar injustices from occurring in the future.


Nursing home abuse and neglect is rooted in corporate fraud. We can only protect residents from injury if we clean up the long term care system and expose this fraud.

“Every nursing home injury case offers an opportunity to analyze how the corporate parent company operates its business. We are always looking to uncover fraud and work with our partners at the DOJ. As we get deeper into litigation in a nursing home injury case, we hire forensic accounting experts, private investigators, and speak with former employees. We believe that an individual injury case can make a difference, but company-wide qui tam actions can generate transformative waves of positive change.” – Michael Brevda, Managing Partner, Senior Justice Law Firm.

The claims settled by the United States & California are only allegations. There was no determination of liability. The case is captioned United States and State of California ex rel. Bay Area Whistleblower Partners v. ReNew Health Group LLC et al., No. 2:20-cv-09472 (C.D. Cal.).

Michael Brevda
Senior Justice Law Firm
+1 888-375-9998
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