Smoov Kapiushon Drops the Title Song & Music Video for the Upcoming Horror Movie “Young & Cursed”

Young & Cursed Music Video

Young & Cursed Music Video

Multi-talented artist & actor Smoov Kapiushon (aka Stevarion Allen) releases chilling title song & music video for the upcoming horror film “Young & Cursed.”

LOS ANGELES, CA, USA, August 17, 2023/ — The captivating and multi-talented musician and actor, Smoov Kapiushon, recently released his latest song and music video for the highly anticipated horror movie “Young & Cursed.” Smoov Kapiushon collaborated with the visionary production force behind “Young & Cursed,” Chiaramonte Films, Inc. The up-and-coming artist, also known for “Hood Luv” and “Mood Swings” raises the curtain on a chilling saga that promises to grip audiences’ hearts.

Renowned both as a musical virtuoso and accomplished actor, Smoov Kapiushon, also known as Stevarion Allen, has not only penned and performed the film’s titular anthem but also commands the screen as Jason, a character ensnared in the clutches of his own very real inner demon.

According to the director Andrew Chiaramonte, “After auditioning, rehearsing and the start of filming, Stevarion had an idea, an inspiration if you will, and he wrote the single, the title tune for the film which you see him performing here in the guise of his alter ego, the off-the-charts singer songwriter, Smoov Kapiushon. It was important that the production of the music video take advantage of the actual location where the horror of the story takes place and that the other young actors of ‘Young & Cursed’ be included in the filming. Give it a look and defend yourself against the terror.”

Eliot Gurrin, co-producer / post-production supervisor, stated “Having the cast included in the music video on location during the actual film production gives it a surrealistic look and feel.”

Behind the scenes, the creative minds responsible for the acclaimed films “Adam’s Package” and “Twogether,” including the accomplished director and producer Andrew Chiaramonte, and industry stalwart producer Emmett Alston, have orchestrated their latest cinematic opus, “Young & Cursed,” slated for an early 2024 debut. The narrative unfurls in the enigmatic embrace of a remote and arcane landscape, where five young souls find themselves entrapped within the mesmerizing web woven by an ancient malevolent entity.

As the inexorable hands of time tick away, and the suspense intensifies, the characters’ destinies intersect with an ominous fusion of dread and age-old curses, their fates tantalizingly poised on a knife’s edge.

The eagerly anticipated music video is already available to satiate fans’ thirst for the uncanny, offering an alluring glimpse into the forthcoming sensation that is “Young & Cursed.” Horror enthusiasts, however, will have to bide their time until the dawn of 2024 to experience the full cinematic immersion in this spine-tingling odyssey.

For more information, media inquiries, and updates, please contact Brent Nicholson at

Brent Nicholson
Chiaramonte Films, Inc.
+1 310-910-1002
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