STUDY PUZZLES Could Become a new Learning Tool for Students

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Jigsaw puzzles were invented as a study tool in 1760, a new technology could turn today’s common jigsaw puzzles into modern learning devices

When playing a jigsaw puzzle, our brains switch to Alpha state. That is the same state our brain is in while we dream.”

— Rich Greenwood

In 1760, John Spilsbury created the first jigsaw puzzle as a learning tool. Its purpose was to involve the learner into purposefully recreating a map. This enjoyable activity created a multitude of new connections in the brain securing the newly learned information.
One mystery however, remained for centuries…
Why was puzzling so enjoyable?

Modern science has uncovered a fascinating fact about puzzling.
When playing a jigsaw puzzle, our brains switch to Alpha state. That is the same state our brain is in while we dream.
It is one of the only times our brain is focused yet completely relaxed, when we tap into our subconscious mind while we are awake.

Puzzling is more than the satisfaction of snapping two pieces together. It’s about creating order from chaos, about working towards something meaningful.
It is a form of storytelling. (as it was always meant to be)

When John Spilsbury invented the first jigsaw puzzles, he did not know that he was putting students into the perfect mind state for retaining information, for him it was a great way for students to learn geography. Today we do know that as well as the dopamine release that players of jigsaw puzzles experience, The Alpha mind state is achieved, now how do we turn today’s jigsaw puzzles back into effective learning devices?

The answer has come by way of a new technology from innovator Rich Greenwood: A software application capable of using a mobile phone to scan the progress of a jigsaw puzzle and release content at staged intervals. Rich Greenwood and his team designed the new software ‘Stuzzles‘ as a method to make jigsaw puzzles more interactive, engaging and rewarding by releasing story content, about the puzzle being built, as it it pieced together.
“Imagine a child playing a jigsaw puzzle and at every 10% completion there is some content reward that the child wants to see. The child will be encouraged to continue playing the puzzle to unlock further content and as well as all the benefits that jigsaw puzzles create, the child learns about being rewarded for their efforts” says Rich Greenwood.

Stuzzles stands for Story Puzzles or Study Puzzles and the proprietary technology is US patent pending.

Mr Greenwood has already started conversations with educational institutes about creating the first Study Puzzles for various age ranges and also has some interest in collaborations to make some children’s religious study puzzles.

The first Jigsaw Puzzle partners have used Stuzzles to create something a little unusual:
The World’s Scariest Jigsaw Puzzles.
They achieve this by putting people in the right state of mind with the jigsaw puzzle and then drip feeding scary, psychological-thriller type stories. Set to launch on Kickstarter in September, this is a great example of how Stuzzles can create a new era of jigsaw puzzling for those who want a more interactive and immersive experience. More can be seen on this launch at

Further information on stuzzles can be found on their website

Richard Greenwood
Stuzzles LLC
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